Windermere Homes Average Selling Price in Edmonton
Windermere Homes Average Selling Price in Edmonton
Click on Windermere homes for sale in Edmonton to see all the real estate that is on the market including condos, duplexes and single family detached houses in Windermere. The average sold price in Windermere for a home has moved up to $756,393. The average time to sell a home in Windermere in 2016 was 71 days.
In the condo market of Windermere, the average selling price in 2016 was $294,552 with an average time for a Windermere condo to sell of 91 days. The condominiums that sold in Windermere in 2016 were: Elements at Windermere, Essence at Windermere South, Estates of Upper Windermere, Regency at Windermere, Windermere Village and Windermere Waters.
- To view price charts on other Edmonton areas visit Edmonton Home Selling Prices by Neighbourhood
- For a free market evaluation on your Windermere home contact me at Free Edmonton Home Evaluations
- Looking to buy or sell in Windermere? Contact Jason Thomas, I would be happy to help, for more homes on the market visit Windermere homes for sale in Edmonton